Friday, November 17, 2017

Vossa própria Vida

Eis que a divina Presença de Deus Individualizada é a vossa própria Vida. É o vosso destino se desdobrar, atualizar e externalizar em vós. Dai o vosso tempo e espaço à esse relacionamento, e todos os problemas e lutas haverão de ser devorados pelo Amor de Deus.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon


Behold, the divine Presence of God Individualized is thine own Life. It is thy destiny to unfold, to actualize, and to externalize in you. Give thine time and space to this relationship, and all problems and struggles shall be devoured by God's Love.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The Volitions of God

Leave all thine personality concerns to the Adjuster of Paradise. Simply .. turn towards the Adjuster Life through the Way of Go...