estou de volta às vossas pastagens planetárias para reunir aquelas
personalidades que têm se preparado a si mesmas para serem respeitosas e
receptivas à Mim.
sou um Soberano Filho/Pai do Universo que se importa por cada um de vós... e eu
desejo devotadamente que à vós seja dada a oportunidade segura para avançar a
vossa carreira no universo.
venho para vos dar o conhecimento compreensivo de Meu Caminho... o Caminho do
Pai... o Caminho e a Verdade que “I AM” (EU SOU).
o vosso desejo pelo avanço da ascendência à Cidadania Universal.
Cidadania Universal é o vosso Segundo Nascimento dentro da Vida Eterna
as Minhas Palavras. Estudai os Meus Preceitos do Paraíso. Aplicai o Meu
Conhecimento da Intimidade de Oração Plena com a Identidade Individualizada de
Deus acima de vós.
a Minha Mão Universal de Misericórdia, e eu haverei de revelar à vós o Caminho
de vossa Liberdade.
amo a cada um de vós... e o vosso avanço é absolutamente essencial ao avanço de
nosso Lar Universal.
Of Nebadon
I am come back into thine planetary pastures to gather
those personalities who have made themselves respectful and receptive to Me.
I am a Sovereign Universe Father Son who cares for you
each .. and I desire devotedly that you be given safe opportunity to advance
thine universe career.
I come to give you the understanding knowledge of My
Way .. the Father’s Way .. the Way and Truth that I AM.
Gather thine desire for advancement of ascendancy into
Universal Citizenship.
Universal Citizenship is your Second Birth into the
Eternal Life Everlasting.
Read Mine Words. Study My Paradise Precepts. Apply
Mine Knowledge of Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized God Identity above
Taketh Mine Universal Hand of Mercy, and I shall
reveal to you the Way of your Freedom.
I Love you each .. and thine advancement is absolutely
essential to the advancement of our Universal Home.
I sayeth unto thee .. through Prayerful Intimacy with
the Individualized God Presence above thee so shall you find entrance into My
Universal Family of Nebadon .. this is thine gift of the Father of Eternity ..
that you each have a portion of himself .. that you are becoming in actuality
and actualization him in finite stature .. for each personality soul is an
expression of this Individualization of the Christ I AM.
Verily do I reveal to you each .. that I AM the
Interdimensional and Individualized Life of God the Father and God the Son ..
the Totality of the Universal Christ Supremacy of Michael Of Nebadon.
I am here within the service of expressing through the
use of this physical form .. to give you of My teaching instructions for you to
advance thyselves by entering into the
Kingdom of thine Father's Life.
Michael Of Nebadon