Thursday, September 7, 2017

O mundo circundante

À medida que o mundo circundante das aparências se derrube lentamente no caos... alcançai-ó-vós, criança... alcançai as influências estabilizadoras do Meu Espírito Consolador.

Alcançai pelo Espírito Santo da Mãe do Universo e a Administração Planetária.

Logo, alcançai e adorai com todo o vosso coração, corpo e mente, pela Vida e pleo Espírito que vive dentro do Pai.

Michael Of Nebadon


As the surrounding world of appearances slowly break down into chaos.. reach thou child .. reach for the stabilizing influences of Mine Comforter Spirit.

Reach for the Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother and the Planetary Administration.

Then, reach for and adore with all your heart and body and mind the I dwelling Father’s Spirit and Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Price of Faith

Of the first century... The kingdom of heaven was their personal experience of realizing the higher qualities of spiritual livin...