Thou Fellows of Michael of Nebadon Worldwide City...
I sayeth once again in this 21st Century unto thine mortal minds which hunger towards regeneration and resuscitation in the Word I AM...
Unless you are born anew, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Eternity. And ye shall remain material creatures in the mortal vestibule of planetary living for the ages to come.
Unless you are born of the water of Light Absolute and Knowledge Eternal and Faith Understanding of the Father's Way .. and unless, then, you advance upwards and are born once even again of the spirit of Love and Life .. you shall in no wise see the Kingdom of God.
Thine material mindedness shall advance unto the finer receptacle of the soul vesture from out of the material vestments of your relative-based mind and mortal life.
That which is born of the flesh is of the flesh and shall remain ephemeral of flesh.
That which is born of the spirit is spirit, and as such, becometh eternalized, evolutionized, ennobled, and enthralled with priority and purpose and purity and perseverance.
And this newly maturing spirit nature and identity in you shall develop as you arise unto our Universal Association.
For I am Michael of this Nebadon Universe who speaks to you now. I come into your awareness and view .. that our eternal religious relationship shall grow and awaken you.
That you shall be gradually quickened unto dedication and devotion .. discernment and discipleship .. declaration and decision to advance with Me.
Verily, verily, I say to you, friends and doubters, I am the true shepherd; I know my own and my own know me.
I will not flee in the face of danger. I will finish this service of the completion of my Father’s will in this your 21st century, and I will not forsake the flock of life kingdoms which the Father has entrusted to my keeping - humans, animals, electrons, elementals, nature, and angels .. all who are within the earth, and who are under my Universe Care.
Yet, ever have I told thee that I have many other sheep not of this planetary fold, and so these my words are true not only of this world .. but of millions of other planetary worlds .. civilizations which are achieving Light and advancing towards Love Eternal.
These other sheep also hear and know mine voice, and I have promised the Father in my Universal Responsibility that they shall all be brought into one fold, one brotherhood .. one sisterhood .. of the sons and daughters of God.
And then .. ever shall you all know the voice of the One Shepherd of Nebadon and our neighbors in their local universes with others of mine Order of Michael.
The true shepherd I am .. and I shall doeth the works of My Father God .. wherein all shall acknowledge, accept, and adore the Divine Fatherhood of God.
Every individual personality who aligns with Me and believes in my gospel .. each shall be as My shepherds who seek to serve all.
I sayeth any who attempt to enter the fold without Me shall fail, and the sheep who wander and rebel in evil and iniquities shall not heareth my voice.
I am the door of Eternity for our Nebadon Universe...
Every soul who enters upon the eternal way by the means I have created and designed and ordained shall be saved for the fuller glory of our Universe .. and will be able to go on to the attainment of the eternal pastures of Paradise.
I am the true shepherd of Nebadon who is willing even to lay down my mortal life for the sheep of my universal fold.
The lazy and the iniquitous ones break into the fold only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy truth; yet, I have come that all ye of sincere countenance shall have life and have it more abundantly as you arise to walk with Me .. and with the Creative Spirit Mother and the blessed administering Spirit Personalities of Nebadon.
Michael Of Nebadon