Wednesday, October 4, 2017

O Imaculado Amor Incondicional de Deus

Eis que o Imaculado Amor Incondicional de Deus conquista todas as adversidades na experiência humana mortal.

Convidai o Seu amor. Não há nada nem ninguém que possa obstruir o Seu Amor de vos levantar à Sua glória Imaculada.

Michael Of Nebadon


Behold, God's Immaculate Unconditional Love conquers all adversities in the human mortal experience.

Invite his Love. There is nothing nor no one who can obstruct his Love from raising you into his Immaculate glory.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Volitions of God

Leave all thine personality concerns to the Adjuster of Paradise. Simply .. turn towards the Adjuster Life through the Way of Go...