Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia - The Salvington School - University of Salvington.
A world center of civilization, a great planetary university of culture; a world class education for the soul; celestial ministry whose traditions would exert a cumulative force of the next 500,000 years of integrated unified evolutionary influence in advancing the world culture towards expanding cosmic consciousness and enhancing spiritual perception .. in quickening universal meanings and heightening every sensitivity .. towards directionizing the impulse of all motives godward and towards raising the understanding of purpose, priority, and purity . . .
It is a custom which eventually spreads the ideals of Eden to a whole world; accelerating world culture and world affairs towards a unified world consciousness that leads humankind and the kingdoms of the planet into the epochal era of light and life.
From such a world center of culture and achievement there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races.
Meantime the educated and spiritualized children of the surrounding peoples who have been adopted and trained in the prince’s schools are returning to their native groups and the planetary Isles of light and life and, to the best of their ability, are there establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which they carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools.
These new and potent centers of learning and culture are the Planetary Isles of training and advancement.
The Planetary Headquarters and the Urantia Planetary Schools anchoring upon the planet in conjunction with those Celestial Ministries and the Divine Administration for the Planetary Civilization in Guiding the Human evolution as Co-Caretakers of the Earthly Kingdoms - human, elemental nature, electron, animal kingdoms
The Planetary Headquarters School and its Planetary Isles of Light and Life; these Isles of Living Truth are the Schools of Illumination and Advancement of the Planetary Prince, and they are primarily concerned with philosophy, religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements.
Mortal man secures three great satisfactions from religious experience, even in the days of his temporal sojourn on earth:
1. Intellectually he acquires the satisfactions of a more unified human consciousness.
2. Philosophically he enjoys the substantiation of his ideals of moral values.
3. Spiritually he thrives in the experience of divine companionship, in the spiritual satisfactions of true worship.
2024. University of Salvington. The Salvington School.