Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dignity Flourishes in Truth

City of Michael

dignitas integritas unitatis

"Truth unfolds everything in the right way whereby Order, Justice, Love and Harmony, Advancement, Ascendancy shall flourish.

"Dignity of personality character is truthfulness, temerity, tenderness, tenacity, and transparency...

"Integrity of personhood and its personalities is to align all misqualifications with Truth Everlasting .. the Divine Qualification .. of all positive attributes, attitudes, and awakenings.

"Unity with Truth is Unity within the Adjuster Sovereignty preparing the individual for the greater works and the grandeur pastures of the heaven of heavens.

"Dignity, Integrity, and Unity allow for evolutionary mind  attainment, soul achievement unto the morontial spheres, spirit ascendancy in our local home universe.

"Presently .. the Spirit of Truth is now poured out upon all flesh .. and it lives among all women and men .. it teaches all .. even as I now live amongst you in the garment of flesh .. and I speak to you the words of truth."

Michael Of Nebadon

City Of Michael

The Price of Faith

Of the first century... The kingdom of heaven was their personal experience of realizing the higher qualities of spiritual livin...