Monday, November 27, 2023

Salvington University

Salvington University

absolutum charitas ab origine

University Lectures as given by our Creator Father Son Michael...

Lectures I Values

The Attitudes of Ascendancy with the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit
Alignment Of Ascendancy with the Host of Heaven - the Planetary Administration

Lectures II Virtues

The Attributes of Ascendancy with the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit

Virtues becoming Values Priorities, Meanings, and Purpose

Respect for the God Life. Responsibility for the Creative Powers of Qualification.  

Receptivity for the Embodiment of Truth.

Lectures III Vision

The Avenues of Ascendancy with the Revelatory Word of God the Son

Respect for the God Life. Responsibility for the Creative Powers of Qualification.  

Receptivity for the Embodiment of Truth.

The Ark Of Ascendancy with the Spirit of Michael

Lectures IV Verities

The Approaches of Ascendancy with the Revelatory Word of God the Son

The Beginning Attenuations of Misqualification into Ascendancy

Lectures V Virtues of Virility

The Acts of Ascendancy with the Revelatory Word of God the Son and the Initiatory Thought of God the Father

The Further Attenuations of Misqualification into Ascendancy through building strength and conviction in the God Ascent

Lectures VI Validations

The Adorations of Ascendancy with the Initiatory Thought of God the Father

The Higher Attenuations of Misqualification into Ascendancy
Actualizations Of Ascendancy

Lectures VII Valuations

The Attentions of Ascendancy with the Initiatory Thought of God the Father

The Exalted Attenuations of Misqualification into Ascendancy
Actualizations Of Ascendancy

Lectures VIII Victories

The Acceptance of Ascendancy with the Initiatory Thought of God the Father
Awakening Of Ascendancy

Lectures IX Vindications

The Altar of Ascendancy Retreat

The Initiatory Thought, The Revelatory Word, The Preparatory Act

The Advancement, Achievement, Acceleration, Accompaniment,  Attainment of Ascendancy

Undergraduate and Graduate Study at University Of Salvington, the Planetary Prince School of Urantia

The Inauguration Purpose of these Revelations with Michael Of Nebadon and the Urantia Book is the illumination of the human mind. Its primary purpose is the salvation of human souls.

All undergraduates attend one of the spirit colleges of Salvington wherein the student gets the dual benefits of university-wide resources and educational experience while also gaining the traction of an intimate learning environment in their particular college. Each college offers the student close-knit instruction in a sincere and intimate setting. Students blossom within the environment which Salvington is dedicated in preserving for future generations and in future millenia.

At Salvington, we view your university and college experience as a time to heal all divisions and disempowerment, become blessed by your enhancement of receptivity,  prosper your life in ways that may surprise you, become more greatly educated and explore our educational fellowship with the divine circuits, enlighten yourself upon the pathways of light and life everlasting, illuminate your mind and heart and even your physical body into the fuller octaves, accelerate your curiosity and exercise your relationship with the Infinite Divine Presence, and discover new ways filled with purpose and right desire in opening to the avenues of higher interest and more godly abilities.

We provide students with an immersive, collaborative, and inspiring collegial environment where they can develop a broadly informed understanding on the laws of life while heightening their sensitivities for those things of the spirit, building a highly disciplined intellect that will help them in completing their evolutionary journey and awakening upon the higher avenues wherein the universe career can blossom and emerge well.     

Our students grow within the everlasting values and knowledge they need to pursue a universe career of enlightening expression and emerging gifts bringing prosperity and wellness, wholeness and healing. 

Meaningful service work emerges in the individual who is wholeheartedly willing to daily deliver themselves to the altar of eternity. Here, you will find your true passion in life-long purpose and greater inner poise regarding the circumstances of your life, and you will be learning the higher ways of evolutionary ascendancy which carry the individual personality beyond the local byways of planetary experience.

You are evolutionized, at Salvington, for the greater life more prosperous and abundantly benevolent in all ways, and our precepts and divine principles of the Universe Father Son and Universe Spirit Mother will take you into uncharted lands of adventure and fulfillment leading you into successful and purposeful lives.

The Great Plan of Progressive Ascendancy

1. The Plan of Progressive Attainment.

The Way to claim the Life in you is to apply the 12 Cardinal Volitions of Giving and Receiving of the Inner Authority of the Spirit of Paradise...

"I claim the Spirit Adjuster and the Life I AM within me."

2. The Bestowal Plan with the Guidance and Gospel of the  Paradise Sons.

The Truth to deliver all that is unlike the Immaculate Life the Life of Existence I AM within me is to apply correctly the endowment of Authorship...

"I deliver daily all that is unlike the Unconditional and Immaculate Life unto the Life I AM within me."

3. The Plan of Mercy Ministry with the Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Adjuster, and the Holy Comforter.

The Life of Association within the Relationship Circuits of Eternity is our religious relationship...

"I offer all humble adorational praise and worship, my thanksgiving to the one Source of Life."

Michael Of Nebadon

2023. Michael of Nebadon Sovereign Trust

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Salvington Planetary School

On our Planetary Campus at Salvington University, we have truly dedicated students who desire to grow in the Will of God. 

His Will asks of you only one singular desire to emerge and allow to ripen through your loving allegiance with the divine Spirit in you.

The presence of this divine Adjuster Spirit in the human mind is disclosed by three experiential phenomena. And as you are committed to achieve the Father’s Will, so shall you be enhancing and growing each day in these three aspects:

1. The intellectual capacity for knowing God—God-consciousness.

2. The spiritual urge to find God—God-seeking.

3. The personality craving to be like God—the wholehearted desire to do the Father’s will.

Students of the Salvington Planetary Prince School are learning to give to God with the holy volitions of mind and heart, and they are growing daily to receive more and more of His Generosity and Grace and Guidance.

They are reaching for the Eternal One who they have discovered lives imminently within their own field of life.

The acceptance of such a teaching, I am declaring for all creatures, and these ideas shall liberate humankind from the age-long bondage of animal fear and at the same time enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty for the new humanity taking shape from out of the old humanity:

1. The possession of a new courage grows and the strengthening, augmented spiritual power blossoms. My gospel of the kingdom is to set human life free and inspire each to dare to hope for the greater and more prosperous life, even for eternal life to be granted to those who are wholeheartedly desirous to grow in the Will of God.

2. My gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all creatures of all kingdoms of life, even for the poor of spirit who have lost their faith, hope, and charity.

3. My gospel is the good news for all to understand, to accept in their heart, and to live daily. It is in itself a new standard of moral values, a new ethical yardstick wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society.

4. On our Planetary Virtual Campus, I am teaching students to allow the pre-eminence of the spiritual compared with the material; these ideas become a living ideal which glorifies the spiritual realities and exalts superhuman ideals.

5. This new gospel holds up spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value and divine dignity .. heavenly purpose and all-empowering love.

6. I am daily on our Planetary Virtual Campus teaching that entrance into the eternal realities are the resultant reward of righteous earthly striving. Man’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.

7. My illumination of this everlasting gospel of ennobling purpose and plan affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged daughters and sons of God.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Urantia Gita

Sunday, November 12, 2023

University of Salvington

The Salvington University, Salvington  Planetary Prince School with its Colleges of Illuminated Wisdom and Love are a Virtual Worldwide Planetary-wide Campus, at one with the Holy Spirit of the Universe Spirit,  at one with the Holy Comforter of My Persona Universal, and at one with the Adjuster Spirit of Paradise Origins who hath come to indwell you, guide you, prepare and uplift you, and is your Individualized Destiny and Life.

My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter is ubiquitous .. that is to say .. everywhere present .. with the Universe Mother Spirit and her Holy Spirit.

Love, unselfishness, must undergo a constant and living readaptative interpretation of relationships in accordance with the leading of the Spirit of Truth. 

Love must thereby grasp the ever-changing and enlarging concepts of the highest cosmic good of the individual who is loved. And then love goes on to strike this same attitude concerning all other individuals who could possibly be influenced by the growing and living relationship of one spirit-led mortal’s love for other citizens of the universe. 

And this entire living adaptation of love must be effected in the light of both the environment of present evil and the eternal goal of the perfection of divine destiny.

Michael of Nebadon 
Urantia Papers

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dignity Flourishes in Truth

City of Michael

dignitas integritas unitatis

"Truth unfolds everything in the right way whereby Order, Justice, Love and Harmony, Advancement, Ascendancy shall flourish.

"Dignity of personality character is truthfulness, temerity, tenderness, tenacity, and transparency...

"Integrity of personhood and its personalities is to align all misqualifications with Truth Everlasting .. the Divine Qualification .. of all positive attributes, attitudes, and awakenings.

"Unity with Truth is Unity within the Adjuster Sovereignty preparing the individual for the greater works and the grandeur pastures of the heaven of heavens.

"Dignity, Integrity, and Unity allow for evolutionary mind  attainment, soul achievement unto the morontial spheres, spirit ascendancy in our local home universe.

"Presently .. the Spirit of Truth is now poured out upon all flesh .. and it lives among all women and men .. it teaches all .. even as I now live amongst you in the garment of flesh .. and I speak to you the words of truth."

Michael Of Nebadon

City Of Michael

The Volitions of God

Leave all thine personality concerns to the Adjuster of Paradise. Simply .. turn towards the Adjuster Life through the Way of Go...