Thursday, September 26, 2024

His Will is Evolutionary Growth and Ascendancy

The Father is not in spiritual hiding, but so many of his creatures have hidden themselves away in the mists of their own willful decisions and for the time being have separated themselves from the communion of his spirit and the spirit of his Son by the choosing of their own perverse ways and by the indulgence of the self-assertiveness of their intolerant minds and unspiritual natures.

The great God makes direct contact with mortal man and gives a part of his infinite and eternal and incomprehensible self to live and dwell within him. God has embarked upon the eternal adventure with man. If you yield to the leadings of the spiritual forces in you and around you, you cannot fail to attain the high destiny established by a loving God as the universe goal of his ascendant creatures from the evolutionary worlds of space.

Allow the Universal .. Eternal .. Infinite .. the Source Adonai to control everything in your life. 

Let His Indwelling Adjuster establish dominion over your entire field of expression. 

Be wholeheartedly faithful to utilize everything to accomplish his Will .. be thou unreservedly consecrated and singularly devoted to fulfill his plan and to live his purpose .. to experience more of his nature .. to grow thyself upwards unto greater glory with Him. 

Growth actualization towards establishing his Sovereignty in you .. this is His Will for all creatures. 

Michael Of Nebadon 
Urantia Book

Friday, September 20, 2024

Walk with Me

The Edentia Society of Jerusem

Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter

"I call all mine apostles of this planetary sphere to arise and advance with Me." 

Michael Of Nebadon

Come, Follow Christ Michael in the Way of True Authority

The Good Shepherd

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life." -Michael Of Nebadon

Walking with Christ Michael in the Truth of Personality Authorship

The Beautiful Shepherd

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.” -Michael Of Nebadon

Teaching the Life of Universe Association and Ascendancy

The True Shepherd

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life." -Michael Of Nebadon

By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God. 

Forget not—it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature. 

Thus by your faith and the spirit’s transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you. If, then, the spirit dwells within you, you are no longer bondslaves of the flesh but free and liberated sons of the spirit. 

The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial.

My 21st Century Lord’s Prayer, the 21st Century Beatitudes, and the 21st Century I Believe .. I do give to all sincere, humble, and receptive planetary children who yearn to awaken their personal identity, who hunger to evolutionize their mortal nature, and who are athirst to grow in character righteousness and divine loyalties within their everpresent sonship and daughtership in the One Life.

Michael of Nebadon

The Planetary Association

Saturday, September 14, 2024

University of Salvington

University of Salvington
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Planetary Prince
University Study Hall of the Orders of the Universe Administration

Salvington College
College of the Orientation
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the AO Academic Orientation
College Study Hall of the Universe Mother Spirit Adjutants of the Initial Orientations and Preparations for Universe Association, Apostleship, and Ascendancy; Reverential Righteousness of the Preparations for Universe Association, Adjuster Apostleship, and Cosmic Citizenship Ascendancy
Core Studies of the Sevenfold Mind Vestments
Core Academic Hall Focus
Core Studies of Remembrance
Core Text is Orientation Books
Learning and Preparing to be a Student Fellow of Salvington Planetary School

Illuminatum College
College of the Intention
Tutor Associate: 
Trinity Temple Retreat of the First Ray of Intention
College Study Hall of Character Righteousness and Illumination of the Preparations for Universe Association, Apostleship, and Ascendancy
Core Text is Urantia
Core Studies of Character Righteousness, Moral Rectitude, Ethical Spirit-led Respect and Recognition and Reverence
Ascendancia College
College of the Invocation
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Second Ray of Invocation
College Study Hall Of Free Will Ethical Decision and Moral Determination and Pure Desire
Core Studies of Respect
Core Text is A Course in Miracles

Eternalis College
College of the Instruction
Tutor Associate: 
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Third Ray of Instruction
College Study Hall Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception, The God Idea and Ideal into the Reality
Core Studies of Realization
Core Text is Triune Precepts of Michael

Supremacia College
College of the Inversion
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fourth Ray of Inversion
College Study Hall Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity
Core Studies of Reverence
Core Text is the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara

Infinitas College
College of the Identification
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fifth Ray of Identification
College Study Hall Of Purity and Progressive Ascension
Core Studies of Revelation
Core Text is The Pathwork Lectures
Universalis College
College of the Inquiry
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Sixth Ray of Inquiry
College Study Hall Of Healing Emanation and Power
Core Studies of Redemption
Core Text is the Essene Gospel of Peace

Resurrectionem College
College of the Invisualization
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Seventh Ray of Invisualization
College Study Hall Of Service and Resurrection Christhood
Core Studies of Relationship
Core Text is the Daily Yoke of Authorship
Salutem College
College of the Imagination
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eighth Ray of Imagination
College Study Hall Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration
Core Studies of Regeneration
Core Text is The Golden Scripts

Absoluta College
College of the Impregnation
Tutor Associate: 
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Ninth Ray of Impregnation
College Study Hall Of Yoga Wholeness and Immortality
Holy Kumaras Retreat
Core Studies of Receptivity
Core Text is the Totality Yoga Guidebook

Trinity College
College of the Invitation
Tutor Associate:
White Lily Temple Retreat of the Tenth Ray of Invitation
College Study Hall Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender
Order of the White Lily Lodge of Salvington
Core Studies of Restoration
Core Text is the Ordination Handbook

Imperium College
College of the Integration
Tutor Associate:
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eleventh Ray of Integration
College Study Hall Of the Islands of Illumination Of the World Server
Worldwide Communions, Confessionals, and Congregations
Core Studies of Renewal
Core Text is the United Ministry of Paradise Sons

Planetary College of Associate Fellows
College of the Initiation
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Twelfth Ray of Initiation
College Study Hall of Association and Ascendancy
Core Studies of Resurrection
Core Text 

Liberi College
College of the Inspiration
Tutor Associate:
Children’s Garden of the Divine Minister and Heavenly Host
College Study Hall of the Angelic Kingdom
Core Studies of Rejuvenation
Core Text

An exceptional education at Salvington
Salvington is a famous university throughout the universe of Nebadon because it offers the best opportunity for evolutionary advancement through experiential service and education.

We believe a world-class education will expand your free will choices and enrich your experiences, allowing you to fulfill your potential and make the most of this lifetime’s opportunities for personality soul growth and expansion.

University of Salvington is the One Planetary Prince School of Character Dignity, Personality Soul Integrity, and Spirit Unity. It is Education that is overwhelmingly worldwide, idealistic, self-realizing, and cosmic grasping.

2024. The Salvington School of the University Of Salvington

Friday, September 13, 2024


Be thou awake to thine sheep which have gone astray and are on their own seeking to reunite with thine flock of consciousness.

And to transform thine sheep, so shall you elevate thine inner meanings ..  ennobling all personal values which produce the purer motivations of character righteousness and the sublimity of moral choice allowing loyalties to growth actualization to strengthen thee.

And as you endeavor to raise upward thine personal sheep of authorship, so shall you learn to care for all My sheep according to the values you place upon them.

You can realize your own  values in thine own selfhood by discovering your personal meanings and your individual motives of all choices.

You can best discover values in your associates by discovering their motivation. If someone irritates you, causes feelings of resentment, you should sympathetically seek to discern his viewpoint, his reasons for such objectionable conduct. If once you understand your neighbor, you will become tolerant, and this tolerance will grow into friendship and ripen into love.

This is to grow in the understanding of self, and to mature within the tapestry of your consciousness.

In the mind’s eye conjure up a picture of one of your primitive ancestors of cave-dwelling times—a short, misshapen, filthy, snarling hulk of a man standing, legs spread, club upraised, breathing hate and animosity as he looks fiercely just ahead. Such a picture hardly depicts the divine dignity of man. But allow us to enlarge the picture. In front of this animated human crouches a saber-toothed tiger. Behind him, a woman and two children. Immediately you recognize that such a picture stands for the beginnings of much that is fine and noble in the human race, but the man is the same in both pictures. Only, in the second sketch you are favored with a widened horizon. You therein discern the motivation of this evolving mortal. His attitude becomes praiseworthy because you understand him. If you could only fathom the motives of your associates, how much better you would understand them. If you could only know your fellows, you would eventually fall in love with them. And if you would only perceive their meanings, values, and vision in you, so shall you findeth love for every creature.

You cannot truly love your fellows by a mere act of the will. Love is only born of thoroughgoing understanding of your neighbor’s motives and sentiments .. and of your own motives and sentiments, as well.

Michael Of Nebadon

Uversa Revelatory Commission

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Good Shepherd of God

Be a Good Shepherd of thine flock of expression and experience. In this way shall you master the gift of thine creative nature.

Gather unto thyself all thine sheep in loving  care and unconditional love without judgements. I say unto you .. be of goodly cheer; for the Lord of Eternity is present with Us all.

Have this wholehearted faith in the Goodness of God and cultivate this unreservedly consecrated dedication to achieve the mind's capacities .. to attain the  dignity of character righteousness .. to enhance thi e growing spiritual perception and the everlasting perspectives of Infinity by giving thyself to the Father’s Adjuster Life ..  and by becoming of integrity only as you fulfill the Laws of Creative Authorship.

Now, ye shall becometh poised in purity of impulses .. entering into closure with thine evolutionary causes and effects. 

Unity with the Spirit influences resident in Nebadon Universe shall aid and support thee in thine quest for greater actualization perfection.

You are entering through the eye of the needle .. God's Holy Kingdom appears to you on the horizon as you let drop away the ephemerality of ideas, and as you persevere into objectivity of heart and the greater mastery of  understanding.

A closer proximity unto God's Kingdom shall give you exalting hope and ennobling charity of mercy and compliance with the Great Laws of Existence.

Michael Of Nebadon

University of Salvington

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Creature Growth is God's Will Accomplished

You each are in the midst of an evolutionary adventure advancement to prepare thyselves with the Paradise Adjuster Life of the One Parenthood of God. 

Intellectually, philosophically, and spiritually. 

To mature your capabilities of the heart's reception of Life, and to refine and advance your mind capacities for knowledge and wisdom gathering motivations .. for worshipful mindedness .. for understanding and participating within the great universal society. 

You are developing selfhood .. a self-conscious selfhood.

You are growing moral capacities for making self-determinations of a constructive kind.

You are awakening to the gift of personality, and it's free will rights and its personal prerogatives to become a self-creative persona.

The material self has personality and identity, temporal identity; the prepersonal spirit Adjuster also has identity, eternal identity. This material personality and this spirit prepersonality are capable of so uniting their creative attributes as to bring into existence the surviving identity of the immortal soul.

Having thus provided for the growth of the immortal soul and having liberated man’s inner self from the fetters of absolute dependence on antecedent causation, the Father stands aside. Now, man having thus been liberated from the fetters of causation response, at least as pertains to eternal destiny, and provision having been made for the growth of the immortal self, the soul, it remains for man himself to will the creation or to inhibit the creation of this surviving and eternal self which is his for the choosing. 

No other being, force, creator, or agency in all the wide universe of universes can interfere to any degree with the absolute sovereignty of the mortal free will, as it operates within the realms of choice, regarding the eternal destiny of the personality of the choosing mortal. As pertains to eternal survival, God has decreed the sovereignty of the material and mortal will, and that decree is absolute.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Price of Faith

Of the first century... The kingdom of heaven was their personal experience of realizing the higher qualities of spiritual livin...